Group Subscriptions
Substack now lets us offer group subscriptions to the Sage Economics newsletter—you’ll get a discount of 20% if you purchase four or more subscriptions as a group, and you can click here to set up your group subscription:
July 2022 Question Request
Each month, we send out an email asking you to ask us questions for the monthly Q&A. You can submit your questions by commenting on this post, sending them via email, or scribbling them on a tiny note, strapping it to a carrier pigeon’s leg, and telling it to find us. If you see someone else has asked your question in the comments, give it a like (by clicking the heart button). The more likes, the more likely we are to answer that question.
Last month, we filmed a video for the Q&A post instead of writing it out. Let us know which you prefer:
how does video help at all? it takes longer to load and I can read the answers soooo much faster than watch them