If you rely on government data for your analytics you will be frequently misinformed. Anyone who observes how government reports are prepared will learn to give them a weighted value of less than 50% accurate. Evidence the Commerce Department's Construction put in place report's under reporting percentage and persistent disinterest in improving the measure with better data. Sprinkle your grain of salt on government reports and remember, as Jerome Powell said about inflation.....it will only last 2 months "because that's how we have it figured". There are none so blind...........good luck to all of you govdat users.
If you rely on government data for your analytics you will be frequently misinformed. Anyone who observes how government reports are prepared will learn to give them a weighted value of less than 50% accurate. Evidence the Commerce Department's Construction put in place report's under reporting percentage and persistent disinterest in improving the measure with better data. Sprinkle your grain of salt on government reports and remember, as Jerome Powell said about inflation.....it will only last 2 months "because that's how we have it figured". There are none so blind...........good luck to all of you govdat users.