What is Sage Economics?
A newsletter Anirban Basu and Zack Fritz about economics and policy. Paid subscribers get at least two weekly posts. Non-paid subscribers get one weekly post (also plus more, on occasion).
Who are we?
Anirban, economist (hold your applause), is the chairman & CEO of Sage Policy Group, an economic and policy consulting firm headquartered in Baltimore. Anirban has more graduate degrees than he does arms and legs, serves as the chief economist for several organizations, and can be seen speaking to audiences around the country (and world). Read more about him here, and more about Sage Policy Group here.
Zack is the COO of Sage Policy Group. What he lacks in graduate degrees, chief economist postings, and general renown, he makes up for with his can-do attitude and slightly better than average work ethic.
Past Posts for Your Perusal
A Very Basic Primer on Interest Rates
He (the President) Makes it Look So Hard
Like a Bad First Date, September Payroll Report Disappoints
Feel the Churn: Why the Construction Industry Lost Jobs in May
Why Subscribe?
Economic data are complex and often meaningless or worse (confusing) absent broader contextualization. You’re too busy to keep an eye on esoteric indicators like the Baltic Dry Index or to read the Fed’s Beige Book. Let us do the heavy lifting for you.