So Anirban/Zack-- in regards to restaurants being short staffed-- you didn't mention immigration. I know some restaurants for dishwashers, grunt workers-- definitely were a little laxed in checking for legal status. And they also used legal immigrants of course. Question-- what if we made it easier for hardworking, law abiding, GRATEFUL immigrants to come to the US. How would this affect the service industry labor shortage and how would it affect inflation. Easier question ;)-- why can't congress figure out how to let more legal immigrants in?

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Immigration is a policy that no one country has ever gotten right. It’s relatively easy to talk about, but horribly difficult to implement. Jon Oliver did a good summary of why within a video, but there’s also plenty to read about it on the Economist.

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@etreoupasetre I really wish ever member of congress would watch Jon Oliver. Scratch that-- I wish everyone in the US would watch Jon Oliver.

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While Putin deserves some blame for pushing energy prices up further, energy prices were already rising in the last half of 2021 as the post-pandemic economic recovery outstripped several years of underinvestment in oil and production (which resulted from an extended period of low energy prices), the concurrent dispersal of energy workers (including pandemic reductions), and political policy limiting fossil fuel supply (Keystone and federal leases, etc.).

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Did the President's energy policy have an effect on inflation? (i.e. no longer energy independent).

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Can you condense all this into a cartoonish meme to share?

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Great idea. See here: https://imgflip.com/i/6klsg8

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